Monday, December 21, 2009

big polaroid

A work in-progress,
Adrien and I looking our best!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Midnight toker

Dr. Foster


still life

From the Bust up.

Boats of the Equator

Flesh and epithelial tissue

cd cover- but better!

cd cover- but better!

cd cover- but better!

Cd cover- but better!

Tear Drop (platter)

Tear Drop (platter)

Are you not a bit Curious?

Route to Curiosity..... third illustration

Route to Curiosity..... second illustration

This is my personal favorite!

Route to Curiosity..... first illustration

Route to Curiosity..... inside cover.

Route to Curiosity..... front cover

Friday, January 9, 2009


So again blogger is being ridiculous and won't load pictures right side up.
Anywho, this is water colour and pencil crayon of a rad little girl being awesome.

---twas completed in October 2009.

Egon Scheile

    This is my attempt at Gauche  and according to       my teacher, I have failed, however I still like it?
This was done in November 2009...
The face is Egon Scheile- he is FANTASTICLE UBBER AWESOME, and a bit of a perv. But I can accept his faults...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pose in ink

So this won't upload right-side-up, so anywho. . 
This is a lovely lady replicated in ink and brush on heavy watercolour paper.

I did this in late September 2009.

OH churchill, you slay me!

this is done in chalk pastel. Fall 2009.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Decrepidly Hopefull

So this is a terribly wrinkly face that I drew early this September- it was for the same assignment as the angry girl.

She's kinda NEATO! (burrito, some might say). . .

Not Impressed

This was one of my first portraits for this new program I am now in. 
Its completely done in graphite stick. And I got the reference from this book on the history of America by a photographer based on the 30's- she's not impressed.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Grown so Ugly

Back cover- this was regarding the song "Grown so Ugly".

Strange Times

This was a poster I included in the CD packaging, focused on the song "strange times".

The Black Keys

Title: CD packaging
This was an imaginary packaging for the black keys album- I didn't focus on one specific album; instead I took a few songs from all of their albums. This specific image (front cover) is related to the song "have love will travel".
 back label

Long Legs wine

Titled: Long Legs, fall 2008
This was a wine label which I created which had to integrate two point perspective; my idea for the name came from the legs which are visible in a glass of wine. This idea brought about the image of a daddy long legs-

The Final Laugh

LAST PAGE- they're all out of order on this blog
This was a comic I completed for a perspective drawing class this past fall. It was all done with pen and photoshop. The idea came from a conversation with my friend Cara and I took it in a rediculous direction which normal people will not understand... but thats alright.