This was one of my first portraits for this new program I am now in.
Its completely done in graphite stick. And I got the reference from this book on the history of America by a photographer based on the 30's- she's not impressed.
This was an imaginary packaging for the black keys album- I didn't focus on one specific album; instead I took a few songs from all of their albums. This specific image (front cover) is related to the song "have love will travel".
This was a wine label which I created which had to integrate two point perspective; my idea for the name came from the legs which are visible in a glass of wine. This idea brought about the image of a daddy long legs-
This was a comic I completed for a perspective drawing class this past fall. It was all done with pen and photoshop. The idea came from a conversation with my friend Cara and I took it in a rediculous direction which normal people will not understand... but thats alright.